Spice mixes

Discover the many spice mixes available on Spigol.com and add some flavour to your cooking.

These mixed spices will transform your dishes. There’s no limit to the creation of spice mixes! Our 140-year experience in creating and selling spice mixes enables us to offer you a broad palette of flavour combinations to lift a specific dish (couscous, tagine, etc.), to add a little colour to your daily dishes (chicken, fish or vegetables) or to let your imagination run free.

All our mixed spices are guaranteed to be colouring- and preservative-free. Spices, aromatics and that’s it! We limit the use of salt as far as possible. We make most of our mixes on our premises in the South of France, which enables us to provide you with fresh, superior quality products.

Are you in need of a suggestion, a tip about how much to use? Go to our recipe section to find out about how to use spice mixes.